Care of the elderly

Hand massage treatments for the elderly, administered either in care homes or within their own homes, is taking off with a bang this year (2024). The experience has been so rewarding for all concerned!

Clients report less arthritic pain, ease of movement and greatly improved emotional well-being. The tell-tale signs of success with this aromatherapy energy healing treatment, are indisputable - clients seem to 'perk up' during and immediately after treatment. They are thankful for the experience and can't wait to share this new-found knowledge with their relatives. An 83 years old client wanted to call her daughter to explain that, "The nice lady has given me new hands. They feel so soft and look so young!" 

Aromatherapy treatments should only be administered by a qualified therapist - some oils may be contraindicated.


I love this historical tale about the wonderful adaptogen Lavender!   

The French Chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé discovered the incredible healing properties of Lavender accidentally when a small explosion occurred in his laboratory. One of Gattefossé’s hands was badly burned. He quickly immersed it in the nearest tray of liquid. The liquid was essential oil of lavender and to his astonishment Gattefossé observed that his hand healed with no infection or scarring.

Gattefossé and a colleague conducted further research on the healing properties of lavender and introduced it to many of the hospitals in France. During the outbreak of Spanish influenza there were no reported deaths of hospital personnel, which was credited to the use of lavender.


An anecdote about a simple case of piles or haemorrhoids as they are otherwise known!

This is a story about unfortunate individual who was oblivious to the healing powers of therapeutic essential oils & instead wound up seeing a doctor who referred him for surgery.

I speak from experience when I say that using a good quality diluted organic tea tree oil and applying it topically and internally to the area, over a period of only a few days, does the trick, providing you start treatment immediately.

This case demonstrates that operations aren't always necessary - that's not to say that they don't have their place as remedies for certain diseases and conditions. However, you owe it to yourself to give natural plant extracts a try, before taking these drastic measures. Plants are God's universal creation, designed to cure almost all of man's diseases.

We tend to overlook the fact that pharmaceutical drugs are manufactured using plant extracts that are then synthesised to form what we term 'western medicines'.